von SPORTELLI (06.06.2026)
Bestelle jetzt dein Unikat vom SPORTELLI Album „TRUST“.
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die du von SPORTELLI – „TRUST“ haben möchtest.
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Gesamt gibt es 222 stk.
Bei den Nr. 1-22 kostet das Unikat 2222.- (Sonderanfertigungen)
Ab Nr 23- 200
Ich freue mich, bist du mit dabei!
is a musician & sound healer living on earth.
His home is in his heart and the beautiful humans he is spending his live with.
On stage or in the streets – you are meeting a humble shining human being – a very special, kind and respectful one, true to himself.
The power of SPORTELLIS music can carry you to the deepest realms of your soul. His intention is always to make living on earth amazing.
The purpose of his music is to bring beautiful humans together, to create a strong and positive energy field that makes each of us shine.
Many people have experienced the transformative impact of his music ceremonies where healing is always in the focus.
He carries his heart on his tongue and his golden vocal cords reached out on live stages to up to 10 000 people –
creating sounds just with his voice and guitar.
SPORTELLI’S INTUITIVE TRIBAL SOUL MUSIC makes you activate your inner healer.
Prix Public for Best Singer-Songwriter – Montreux Jazz Festival
Best Talent Award – Swiss National Radio Srf3
He has opened international shows for Artists like
Birdy, Elton John, Aloe Blacc, Foreigner, Young Gods, Paul Carrack, Bastian Baker,
The Nits and Richard Thompson (Fairport Convention) just to name a few.
Nachricht an mich
Schreibe mir gern eine Nachricht, wenn Du an einem meiner Angebote zum neuen Album „TRUST“ interessiert bist. Solltest Du noch nicht wissen, welches Angebot Du nehmen möchtest, so schreib mir dies gern dazu. Ich freu mich von Dir zu lesen. Dein Micha.